Author: jalaruart


245T (Agent Orange) In the early 1970s the WA Agriculture Protection Board hired more than 300 men to eradicate the weeds, Noogoora Burr and Parkinsonia, that were affecting livestock across northern WA. The herbicide the men were spraying contained the now-banned substance 245T – an ingredient in the defoliant Agent Orange. ‘Agent Orange’ legacy continues to […]


The exhibition ‘Scar’ is about delving beneath the surface of the stories behind the images. The artist physically scars the paper to create the works, which is a slow, meditative process. They work with personal experiences, those relating to the region in which they live, and at a national level. They try to keep things […]

Of the Sea

Strong and venerable these beings are of mother earth, She is my equal, my mother, my daughter, Protect but not to smother, Set free without a cage but offer home to return, Never to look down upon, but to share a thought, Worship her soul and not only the skin, I am but the moon […]